Regenerative living and working ...
How regenerative ties in with sustainability, and what it means. For me, home and work life are intricately connected. Sustainability is complex .. aim to embed it in everything. Here’s a low-down cross-cutting the different areas of my work.
‘Sustainability’ runs through the fabric of /is the essence of my work; from podcast conversations with inspirational leaders in the field of regeneration, to creating recipes and sharing food that regenerates the land, and offering treatments and courses that gently support our wellbeing.
I am conscious of thinking through the social, environmental and economic impacts of the different facets of my work. Sometimes it feels easy to make a ‘positive’ choice, sometimes the options feel more nuanced and complex. These following principles guide my choices, along with some of the bigger issues that I’m grappling with:
Reduce, re-use, recycle. Do I really need to acquire an item? If so, can I make-do with something I already have, perhaps something that I can breathe new life into?
Circularity -
This is a big one for massage and keeping spaces warm
Re-use where I can (give examples?). Old towels become dust rags. Breathe new life into eg dyeing. Recycle. Choose items that can be recycled.
In the office, massage room etc. Batteries. Recording time. Recycled paper or renewed. Vouchers made from recycled card.
Keep towels going and dye them (lighter colours)
Local, organic, plastic-free where possible.
Oils. P&P. Organic.
Local - how far? Plant-based & why. When I’m cooking with meat. Organic and plastic free were possible. Complex choices. Regenerative.
This is a biggie and one I want to work on. We live rurally. But I will think about whether I need to make a journey; double up with friends or others, or trips we would otherwise make; run/cycle (as kids get older) or horse-ride (dropping off vouchers)!
Washing & cleaning
eg massage towels. Green energy. Minimal packaging. Wash on low heat.
Use low-impact resources.
Conscious of micro-plastics through washing - try to use natural fibres.
On various boards & committees. Working and collaborating with others. Celebrating community voices.
’Pay it back’ massages.
Work alongside a brilliant team of local housekeepers
Diversity & inclusion
Charitable giving.
Environmental impact - water, land, air, climate